I come from a family of artists with a long history dating back to Johan Törnström in the 18th century. Among other things I have made a figure head horse in memory of him.
The other day I received a letter from Bildupphovsrätt (Image Copyright). It is an organization that represents and manages copyrights for a variety of Swedish and foreign artists. The reason I got a letter is that I am a descendant of Isidor Törnström and therefore I have the right to take part of the resale right (följerättsersättning) payable when his art is resold professional.
Isidor Törnström (1870 – 1952) was my great grandfather. Most of his oil paintings focused on landscapes and folklore. He was also doing historical painting, something that was very out of fashion at the time, including 16 oil paintings showing Yxnes Tale. He was an artist all his life and his last (probably incomplete, unfortunately I don’t know) work was a monumental painting ”Vitus Andersson and King Charles XI.”
In the photo you can see one of his landscape paintings that I own. It shows cows grazing close to a lake. My parents have told me that when I was little girl, I was untiringly sitting, for hours, at the painting waiting for the cows to go into the lake and swim.
Isidor Törnström at Nationalmuseet (The Swedish National Museum).
Jan Götesson
Hej Eva! Det är din tvåmänning, Ullas Jan, som skriver. Jag letar ibland på nätet efter målningar målande av morfars far Isidor på nätet. (Ja, farfars far då.) Jag har köpt några på köp- och säljmarknader som Blocket. Och så såg jag din fina kotavla. Jag har också en kotavla av Isidor, men min tavla har bara en ko. Å andra sidan har min ko förmånen att få gå ut i vattnet och bada vid Mjövik.
Hoppas allt fortsätter att gå väl med ditt konstnärsskap! / Jan
Hej Jan!
Vad roligt att höra från dig! Din mamma pratar ofta om dig så det känns som om jag känner dig trots att vi inte setts på många, många år.
Många kramar till dig och de dina!